
Customers are able to do non-installment, in installments and saving card payment transactions without using 3D verification. Direct payment amount is charged from credit card without 3D verification.

You should perform basic authentication with secret_key to use payment service. See more

You must be authorized to use this service since 3D verification doesn’t perform on this service. You can contact your sales representative about this issue.

You can get transaction result whether success or not as checking is_succeed parameter.If is_succeed parameter return true result is success. For more information about error codes.

If you can not get a response due to reasons such as connection timeout or execution time out, you can continue the process with the same reference_no until you get an answer . The system returns the transaction if there is a previous successful transaction with the same reference_no. In this case, the result code returns 100 instead of 0, and the result message is returned as "Önceki Başarılı İşlem".

Look here for more information about card saving process.

Last updated